Register 46 Seats Remaining
Dirt Wain's Brett Bloom will give a presentation on the importance of composting, proper technique, and what options are available.
Are you looking to decrease your carbon footprint and contributions to landfills? This may be the program for you!
Please join us as Brett Bloom, founding manager of Dirt Wain, Fort Wayne's first and only commercial composting service, explains composting from the ground up. The presentation will cover the importance and benefits of composting, the proper associated practices, and what options folks have for composting and recycling efficiently.
Space is limited: Register in advance to reserve your spot and receive reminders. Registration will guarantee your seat until the event begins. Accessibility needs? Please contact as soon as possible - we’d love to help.
AGE GROUP: | Adults |
EVENT TYPE: | STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) |
TAGS: | presentation | introduction | homesteading | gardening | garden | environmentalism | diy | composting | compost | carbon |
The New Haven branch received a brand new building in 2004, relocating from its old location on the corner of Ann St. and Main St. The library is surrounded by houses and is within walking distance of four schools. The library houses many of the previous years of the New Haven High School yearbooks and many books and primary resources on New Haven history. Special collection: Board games